Hello sweets my name is Penelope and I am a beautiful busty beauty
I am currently hosting in Manhattan and am available now
A gorgeous busty vixen with sensational curves
The dream girl next door with just the right spice
My sessions are spectacular and exactly what you need
Let my warm hands caress every inch of you while you admire
my sexy lingerie, nudity and mutual touch
You are so deserving of my touch and all the bliss
Contact me for more details
C A L L OR T E X T @ 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 9 5
E M A I L penlopelovesthecity @ gmail com
TWiTTER penprice212
OF supersweetshugga
- Post ID : 22939631
- Poster's age : 31
- Mobile : 2122131495
- City : New York City
- Address : manhattan